Mini Leprechauns Cupcake Toppers DIY

What could be more charming than a row of these jaunty little leprechauns atop of plate of cupcakes? Miniature top hats (for miniature snowmen perhaps?) spray-painted green, make the perfect topper to these toppers!





Materials needed: miniature black plastic Top Hats, green spray paint, orange bump chenille pipe cleaners, 1″ wooden beads, cake pop sticks, green sparkly card stock,  scalloped circle 1″ hole punch, regular hole punch, black pen, pink marker, hot glue gun.

Step 1: Spray paint the miniature black top hats with green paint. Let dry.
Step 2: Punch out a 1” scalloped circle. Punch the center with a regular hole punch.
Step 3: Using hot glue, secure the bead to the cake pop stick. Slide the green circle up and secure to the bead with more hot glue, making a collar for the leprechaun.
Step 4: Carefully draw two eyes and a smiling mouth on the bead. Use  marker to create two cheery pink cheeks.
Step 5: Cut the bump section from the pipe cleaner, and hot glue it to the bead to create the beard.
Step 6: Hot glue the green top hat to the top of the bead with hot glue. Insert into cupcakes and Erin Go Braugh!




Photography by Benton Collins

from Oh Happy Day!


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